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these are my crumb confessions...

hello! i'm christina. whether it's cooking, baking or barbecuing, our dog, gypsie, is always ready to snatch up crumbs. inspired by my korean-greek heritage, my food has a heavy dose of texan, pennsylvania-dutch and midwest influences. welcome to our crumb confessions, fellow crumbsnatchers!

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dear fellow crumbsnatchers,

welcome to crumbs for gypsie! this food blog is a place where i can connect with the outside world through my love of food. my name is christina and food is my love language. time to treat yourself? fire up the smoker and grill a ribeye steak. celebrating a special occasion? the amount of lovin' from my oven has no boundaries. not feeling well? my yia-yia's avgolemono soupa does the trick. feeling sad? the perfect excuse for indulging in a guilty pleasure. for every moment and feeling in life, food comforts and brings people together.


crumb confession. the past decade has been an emotional rollercoaster. loss of loved ones, toxic relationships, health issues and student loans. don't worry, the good outweighs the bad. finding the manfriend of my dreams and his dog gyspie (the original crumbsnatcher), teaching, event planning, gardening, hosting dinner parties and of course, anything in the kitchen, are some of the good things in my life.


now that i've spent more time working from home due to covid-19, it's finally time to share my journey with food with you beyond my #cheftina social media posts. inspired by my korean-greek heritage, my food has a heavy dose of texan, pennsylvania-dutch and midwest influences. i pledge to share our crumb confessions with anyone who believes food is love and love is food.


let's get cooking!


love and crumbs,

christina & gypsie

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kartoffelpuffer are flipping fantastic

these are my crumb confessions on how to make crispy kartoffelpuffer (german potato pancakes) to celebrate oktoberfest.

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thanks for your interest in crumbs for gypsie. leave us a crumb and we'll reply as soon as possible.

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